Utility Kilt care guide where I will update you with tips and tricks to increase the life of your utility kilt

Care Tips & Tricks for Utility Kilts

Utility kilts are known for their sturdy and tough style, but they also require additional care to prolong their lifespan. If you want to ensure that your modern utility kilt stays in great condition, there are a few tips and tricks that you can follow.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to care for your utility kilt, which you can also apply to your tactical kilt.

Care Tips for Utility Kilts

Must Checkout: Detailed Kilt Care Guide

  1. Avoid Fast Wash and Washing with Large Items

Utility kilts come with buckles, clips, pockets, and other hardware that can easily tangle or damage during washing. Therefore, avoid washing them with other clothes in a fast spin cycle. Also, refrain from washing them with large items like blankets or towels, as this can cause abrasions on the fabric.

  1. Avoid Direct Sunlight for Drying

Direct sunlight can cause the material and dyes of your utility kilt to fade, and some layers of the kilt may also become damaged. To prevent this, dry your kilt in a shaded area or indoors. Additionally, avoid hanging your kilt in direct sunlight for an extended period of time.

  1. Don’t Use a Dryer

Some materials used in modern utility kilts are not meant to be dried in a dryer. High temperatures in the dryer can shrink, warp, or damage the kilt’s fabric. Instead, air dry your kilt or lay it flat in a shaded area to prevent damage.

  1. Avoid Frequent Washing

Utility kilts are made to withstand daily wear and tear, and they don’t require frequent washing. Over-washing can cause the colors and design of the kilt to fade. To keep your kilt looking its best, only wash it when necessary.

  1. Avoid Fabric Softeners

Fabric softeners contain decreasing agents that can soften out the creases in the pleats of your kilt over time. Kilts are designed with a perfect mixture of softness and rigidity to keep the pleats intact. Fabric softeners may also weaken the kilt’s fabric and shorten its lifespan.

  1. Iron with Care

Most kilts don’t require ironing, but if you need to iron your pleats, do it with great care. Iron your kilt on a low heat setting and only iron cotton material. Do not iron any other parts of the kilt. To prevent damage to the fabric, use a fabric layer between the iron and the kilt.

How to Store Utility Kilts?

Proper storage is crucial to maintaining the quality of your utility kilt. Here are some tips on how to store your kilt correctly:

  • If your kilt gets wet, make sure to dry it completely before storing it. Moisture can cause damage to the fabric and the kilt’s overall appearance.
  • Hang your kilt in a storage bag to keep it in its original form. Alternatively, you can lay it flat in a drawer and add a couple of cedar blocks to prevent pests.


Aye, lads and lassies, we’ve reached the end of this kilt care guide. Remember, to keep yer utility kilts in tip-top shape, ye must treat ’em with the utmost care and respect. Avoid fast washing and direct sunlight, and never put ’em in the dryer. And if ye need to iron, do so with great care, lest ye ruin the pleats. And when it comes to storage, let yer kilt dry completely before hanging or laying it flat with a couple of cedar blocks. With these tips and tricks, ye can ensure that yer utility kilt stays sturdy and tough for years to come. Slàinte mhath!


  • Connor Anderson

    Connor Anderson, a writer diving into fashion topics, especially kilts, jackets, and more. From classic kilts to stylish jackets, I break down the trends and styles in a straightforward manner.

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